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Meet the magnificent moose! 

Moose Safari takes you to explore magical northern nature near Helsinki. It's a private tour which takes you just outside the metropolitan area to experience beautiful forests and to observe wildlife. The main aim of the tour is watching moose (also known as elk in British English). We also see other impressive and beautiful wildlife such as deer and birds. 

We have seen moose on every tour since Moose Safari started in 2016.   

Moose Safari operates mostly between April and October when seeing moose is easier than during the winter. 

The minimum time needed for the tour is three to four hours. See more details about the tour by clicking here. 


The Moose Year

See what the moose are up to at different times of the year. When is the best time to go on a moose safari?

Prices and Booking


 Meet Joni the guy behind Moose Safari

Yes, Joni is a man's name in Finland. Click here to learn more.



Baby moose!

The moose give birth in Finland in May and June. The best time to see them is in June, July and August. 


We regret to inform you that baby moose are not always available for fellow nature enthusiasts from around the world! But there is a good chance to see them on a Moose Safari in June, July and August. The moose grow fast (approximately one kilogram per day during their fastest growth) and after August they are no longer baby moose.